EN-KKU welcome Assoc. Prof. Andrew Nuxull from University of Portland, USA

On July 4, 2019, Faculty administrator led by Assoc. Prof. Chiranut Sa-ngiamsak, Associate Dean from Research and International Affairs inclulding Assoc. Prof. Wanida Kan-arkard warmly welcomed Assoc. Prof. Andrew Nuxull from University of Portland, USA  who visited the Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Thailand for being a visiting Professor during July 1-31, 2019.

During his visit, Assoc. Prof. Andrew Nuxull was grant a supporting fund as a Fulbright research grant and he was interested to visit the Faculty of Engineering, KKU. During his visit, he had participated a lot of academic activities such as being an invited speaker on the 2019 Orientation Day at the Department of Computer Engineering and participating in the annual seminar of the Faculty held by Division of Planning and Human Resources.