The Department of Industrial Engineering was established in 1971. It was the first Industrial Engineering department outside the capital city, Bangkok. The goal is to produce qualified industrial engineers to meet the need of the industries and the development of the community. The Department offers a variety of industrial engineering undergraduate courses including Industrial Management, Production Planning, Quality Control, Operations Research, Work Study, Plant Layout and Material Handlings, Industrial Maintenance and Safety, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Project Feasibility Study, Manufacturing Processes and Engineering, CAD/CAM and Automation. These fields are needed and important for the development of all industries in the country.
The Department offers a unique combination of technical knowledge and teamwork skill to best prepare students to work efficiently. Some industrial engineering courses are provided in English and a variety of student activities are supported in order to enhance manufacturing skills, teamwork and community responsibility.
The Department also offers post-graduate education. The master’s degree and doctoral degree programs have been offered since 2002 and 2009, respectively. The Department constantly modernizes its curriculum and push-forward scholarly research in order to continue to be globally recognized as one of prestigious institutions.
- Materials and Electron Microscopy Laboratory
- Metal Casting Laboratory
- Forging and Welding Laboratory
- Machining and CNC Laboratory
- CAD/CAM and Automation Laboratory
- Industrial Engineering and Computing Laboratory
- Logistics and Supply-Chain Management Laboratory
- Research Areas :
- Productivity Improvement in Hard-Disk Drive Industry
- Data Mining Application in Hard-Disk Drive Industry
- Logistics Management of Agricultural Products
- Energy Management
- Supply-Chain Management and Logistics in Animal Feed Industry
- Cost Reduction and Logistics in Sugar and Sugar Cane Industry
- Productivity Improvement in Small and Medium Businesses
- Supply-Chain Management and Logistics Research Unit