(Thai) : วิศวกรรมศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (วิศวกรรมชีวการแพทย์)
(Abbreviation in Thai) : วศ.ม. (วิศวกรรมชีวการแพทย์)
(English) : Master of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)
(Abbreviation in English) : M.Eng. (Biomedical Engineering)
Specialization in the Study Area
Biophotonics, optical spectroscopy, medical imaging, drug delivery, tissue engineering, physiological systems modeling Application of 3D Medical Modelling, Human-centered systems design, human-automation interaction, cognitive engineering, interventions for occupational and disabled populations, Haptic aided design, simulations, and other related applications, reverse engineering for biomedical applications